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Ck2 Change Hair Color

Cultures and culture groups are defined (as of 1.06) in the files contained in the /common/cultures/ folder.

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  • 3Culture
    • 3.1Names


The culture files have within them one or more culture group definitions, within which a graphical culture is set, and one or more cultures are defined.

Culture group[edit]

The culture group is defined as a group tag with an alphanumerical ID. A culture group must have a graphical_cultures defined, and one or more cultures. An example of a culture group definition (with cultures) would be:


The culture definition is a group tag with the following tags:

graphical_culturesList<culturegfx>Ordered list of graphical cultures used when drawing things such as portraits and map items. The first culturegfx is the preferred one, others are fallback types in case of no matching gfx entry.graphical_cultures = { italiangfx southerngfx }
unit_graphical_culturesList<culturegfx>Used to set which set of graphics are used to draw units on the mapunit_graphical_cultures = { saxongfx englishgfx }
colorcolorThe color used when drawing the culture map mode
RGB format with a range of 0-1
color = { 0.25 0.5 0.75 }
hordeboolWhether characters of this culture are treated as a Horde. Optional.horde = yes
used_for_randomboolPrevents the culture to be randomly selected when using the command create_character = { culture = random}.used_for_random = no
allow_in_ruler_designerboolPrevent selecting the culture in the Ruler designer. Often used with used_for_random = no.allow_in_ruler_designer = no
dukes_called_kingsboolIndependent dukes are called petty kingsdukes_called_kings = yes
baron_titles_hiddenboolbaron_titles_hidden = yes
count_titles_hiddenboolcount_titles_hidden = yes
parentcultureMakes parent and child cultures not suffer foreigner opinion.swedish = { parent = norse }
modifierstatic modifiersModifiers for [provinces ?] of that culturemodifier = default_culture_modifier
character_modifiermodifiersCharacter modifiers, similar to religions.
founder_named_dynastiesboolMakes dynasties with this culture be named after the founder. Optional.founder_named_dynasties = yes
dynasty_title_namesboolMakes the primary title of rulers with this culture display a name based on the dynasty. Optionaldynasty_title_names = yes
disinherit_from_blindingboolBlinded characters cannot inheritdisinherit_from_blinding = yes
allow_lootingboolEnables looting.allow_looting = yes
seafarerboolWill prefer looting coastal provinces, cheaper fleet leviesseafarer = yes
dynasty_name_firstboolPuts dynasty name before personal name. Optional.dynasty_name_first = yes
feministboolNullifies the negative opinion modifier that vassals normally get if the ruler is female or has female heir. Optional.feminist = yes

All optional tags default to no.


In addition to the above tags, there are a lot of options for the game to use when naming the characters. All apart from male_names/female_names are optional.


These tags are a list of forenames the game can use when creating a new character. They are given as a list of space separated names, inside a male_name or female_name group.

Variations of the same name can be defined by joining them with an underscore: Johan_John. This allows regnal numbering to be consistent if culture changes, so Juan III won't be succeeded by Ivan I. Double names can also be defined by enclosing them in double quotes. E.g. 'Sarah Ann'. These will be treated as a single name.

Names can also be weighted using the syntax Name:Weight, default weight being 100 if omitted[1]Zero means the name will never get picked when new characters are generated.

Note that this feature has been broken since 2.5 and remains broken in 2.6, as the game completely ignores weight values.


A patronym prefix or suffix can combined with the father's name, and added to the character's name. E.g. If the male patronym is 'son', David's son Mike will have the full name of Mike Davidson.

male_patronymstringThe male prefix/suffix added to the father's name.male_patronym = 'sson'
female_patronymstringThe female prefix/suffix added to the father's name.female_patronym = 'sdotter'
prefixboolWhether the patronym is a suffix or prefix. Optional, defaults to no.prefix = no
grammar_transformstringApply certain transformation to the father's name to generate a patronymic (for example, Spanish 'Rodrigo' + 'ez' => 'Rodriguez'). Possible values are: french or spanish.grammar_transform = spanish

Dynasty prefix[edit]

These tags are used for setting the prefix used when adding the dynasty to a character's name. E.g. If the prefix is set to 'of ', then David, who is part of the Crawford dynasty, will have the name 'David of Crawford'.

from_dynasty_prefixstringSets the prefix used when adding the dynasty to the namefrom_dynasty_prefix = 'of '
bastard_dynasty_prefixstringUsed instead of from_dynasty_prefix if the character is a bastardbastard_dynasty_prefix = 'Fitz'

Naming chances[edit]

This sets the chance of a character being named after a parent or grandparent. Solver for excel mac 2011. The sum of the values cannot exceed 100 for each gender.

pat_grf_name_chanceintThe chance of a boy being named after his paternal grandfatherpat_grf_name_chance = 55
mat_grf_name_chanceintThe chance of a boy being named after his maternal grandfathermat_grf_name_chance = 5
father_name_chanceintThe chance of a boy being named after his fatherfather_name_chance = 30
pat_grm_name_chanceintThe chance of a girl being named after her paternal grandmotherpat_grm_name_chance = 60
mat_grm_name_chanceintThe chance of a girl being named after her maternal grandmothermat_grm_name_chance = 15
mother_name_chanceintThe chance of a girl being named after her mothermother_name_chance = 15


Modding tools[edit]

See Full List On Ck2.paradoxwikis.com

For people who wish to work on cross-linking name lists, there exists a modding tool called CK2-Cultures-Parser. This tool can convert the male and female name lists from cultures.txt file into spreadsheet tables (which can be edited via OpenOffice or Excel) and write modified name lists from the spreadsheet tables back into a cultures.txt file.

A link to this modding tool's detailed description and download page can be found via the 'List of Mods/Guides/Utilities' in the 'Crusader Kings II - User Modifications' subforum on the Paradox Interactive forums.


See also[edit]


  1. Forum:774248
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